Models Issue Ls Has Chevy Impala Handling Improved In 2006/07 Models?

Has Chevy Impala Handling Improved in 2006/07 Models? - models issue ls

Currently, I am 2000 and Impala Impala LS 2003rd I was satisfied with the reliability of two cars, comfort and economy, but with the handling and disappointed driving at highway speeds. It seems that unstable at a speed of 65 mph or more feel of the car and keep on constant steering corrections on the right path. Advertising for 2006 and 2007 Impala models need a better suspension and handling. I wonder if it corrects a driver for 2006 and 2007 Impala, the older drivers are the Impala past, can confirm or discredit Chevrolet finally has the speed to driving highly charged issue. Thank you react to the current time.


bluelitn... said...

The Impala is 07/08, traveler drive.i the rear wheel and have led many to 06 appear to be stable and realistic quick.look for the new upcoming good to see GM get the most configurations out again. I "wheel.

Pedro S said...

.. I hope I have a van 125.000 miles. I drive like a crazy enough to go straight to .. Very hard ... Is that your car has an electric power steering .. I hear your problem

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